E42 – Ad Fraud with Manny Puentes from Rebel.ai

This week on the Digible Dudes Podcast, we are joined by Manny Puentes, who is the founder and CEO of Rebel Al and has been working in the advertising industry for over 20 years. In today’s episode, we focus on marketing, advertising, and ad fraud. We start with Manny talking about his company, Rebel Al, […]

The Difficult Conversation

These tough times require some tough talks. Watch as Cameron experiences this firsthand in this week’s “What Now?!” offering, “The Difficult Conversation.”

E41 – Dennis Cogbill’s Perspective on COVID’s Impact on Multifamily Events

Dennis Cogbill, from Joshua Tree Conference Group, gets on the mic to school the DIgible Dudes on how COVID has impacted Multifamily events, and the lasting impact. Dennis Cogbill is the managing director at Joshua Tree conference group. The Joshua Tree conference group produces some of the largest conferences in the US in the multi-family […]

E40 – 2020 Apartment Events Were Cancelled, What’s the Impact?

2020 Apartment Events Were Cancelled, What’s the Impact? Welcome back to the Digible Dudes Podcast. In today’s episode, David and Reid come together to talk about the Impact of COVID-19 in the industry. They start by talking about COVID-19’s impact on events such as the cancellation of apartment events across the US. They go on […]

COVID-19 Apartment Marketing Strategy Update 6/24/20

Digible shares data on the impact of the coronavirus on apartment marketing. Data points and topics below:

  • How has apartment marketing search intent been impacted?

  • What has been the impact on the different ad channels?

  • How should I handle budgeting through the Peak Season?

  • What should we do with our current campaigns?

  • Are their optimizations that we should move on right now?

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