E39 – The Big Pitch – A 3rd Party Marketer’s Experience Winning Over Ownership

Apartment Marketers play a pivotal role in helping to acquire new properties from ownership groups and investors. As with most industries, the competition is fierce and the stakes are high. The Digible Dudes would like to pull the curtain back on what these presentations entail from start to finish, best practices, worst practices, and most memorable moments along the acquisition trail.

Today’s episode is all about the past, present, and future in marketing with different ownership groups. To discuss this topic, we have a special guest, Joya Pavesi. Joya is the Vice President of marketing & strategy at Rivergate KW Residential, a startup company in the property marketing industry. She is also one of our clients here at Digible Inc.

We start the episode, chatting about the changes in business and marketing. We ask Joya how residential companies such as Rivergate get in contact with their potential client base and how long they work on projects with a client. We also talk about at what point during a project, it’s best to reach out to a residential marketing company for consultation and help.

Joya shares with us what made clients stick with their company. She also talks on Budgeting and how they discuss with their clients to come up with an agreed-upon budget. Afterward, we chat about how the company, Rivergate RW Residential has changed its marketing strategy over the years and how they adapted their services due to COVID-19

We then go on to discuss how the development and influence of technology have changed the field of marketing in most areas from the construction to the finished product. We also chat about whether, compared to five years ago, clients are more informed and involved in project marketing and management.

At the end of this episode, we discuss how, at present, we dive into more and more digital marketing tools than local marketing to reach potential customers and its cost-effectiveness. Further, we also touch on fair housing and the change in the expectations of our clients.

[0:36] Joya’s Background – A brief history of Rivergate KW Residential

[8:09] Finding Leads – How residential companies get in touch with potential clients.

[15:59] Residential Marketing – How we help our clients make their targeted advertising more effective.

[27:32] Industry Trends – The way that the development of technology improved the digital marketing industry.

[32:02] Adapting to the New Reality – How you can fine-tune your marketing strategies to perform better with the effects of COVID-19

[42:57] Budgeting – How to align your marketing strategies with the client’s budget.

[48:09] Interacting with Clients – How to get your clients involved in the marketing process effectively.

[56:33] Fair Housing – Complaints, Lawsuits, and their responsibility as a property management company.

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