EP60 – ILS Guest – Hannah Kimyon (Abodo / Rentable)

Welcome back to the Digible Dudes podcast. In today’s episode, David and Reid have Hannah Kimyon as the guest speaker. Hannah is the director of customer success at Rentable. Throughout the episode, Hannah shares lots of valuable thoughts about talking about ILS platforms, how Rentable is working on new innovations, and how you can improve your marketing strategies to match new trends in the industry.

Rentable was formerly known as Abodo, and they recently rebranded the company. Diving into the conversation, Hannah shares the reason behind the name change from Abodo to Rentable and how it aligns with the direction they’re headed. Then Hannah shares her career journey from where she learned marketing and grew up with Abodo, starting from 2013, up to now as they have rebranded to Rentable.

In the next section, she shares her ideas about customer service and the value of listening to their clients to understand their problems so that you’ll be more effective in fixing them. Continuing the conversation about Rentable, Hannah describes Rentable’s mission and how they are working on new ways to make renting as seamless as possible for renters. Hannah also talks about the past, present, and future of Rentable and the strategies that brought the company to the place that they are today. Hannah shares how they’re partnering with social platforms and the unique features they offer to consumers. Hannah also shares her thoughts on finding their success in ILS and the portfolio they are working on, and what direction they are heading as a company at present.

In the next part of the episode, David, Hannah, and Reid share their thoughts on having several search engines versus having a streamlined process for searching for listings. Further down in the episode, Hannah shares her thoughts on three frequently asked questions related to ILS platforms. Next, Hannah shares her thoughts on how they maintain their customer’s loyalty by explaining the process with the renters, which makes sure that the customers don’t want to leave to another search engine or property website.

[13.09] From Abodo to Rentable – The story of the big rebranding of Hannah’s company.

[20.23] Hannah’s story – Hannah shares her journey at Rentable and what she has learned through her experience.

[23.08] Customer Success – Hannah talks about how she looks at customer success and what she does to understand the customers’ problems and fix them.

[24.52] The Primary Mission of Rentable – What Rentable offers and how they stand apart from the rest of the market.

[28.07] More on Rentable – Hannah talks about how Rentable started, its past, present, and what the future is going to look like for Rentable.

[33. 35] Facebook Marketplace – The role Facebook marketplace plays in real estate and how Rentable and how Rentable has partnered with the Facebook marketplace to provide a unique blend of features.

[40.37] Finding Success – Hannah shares her wisdom on what they do to create strategies that stand out in the market.

[44.20] Lead Attribution – How to improve the quality of leads by utilizing the latest tools.

[27.01] User Experience – Hannah talks about making the renters’ experience more user friendly on ILS platforms and how the new updates of search engines and social media platforms may affect the way renters tend to search for housing.

[01.03.30] Major Talking Points with Customers – Hannah shares the three most asked questions she has to answer frequently.

[01.06.59] Customer Loyalty – Tips & tricks Hannah uses at their firm to maintain their customer loyalty.

[01.11.12] Content – How to focus on creating content for listings in a way that appeals to people based on their needs.

[01.19.39] Matchmaking – Trend in the way consumers find listings and how marketers can improve their strategies to match consumer behavior.

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