EP114:NAA Takeaways

A few weeks ago, Digible attended National Apartment Association, we’re taking a look at some of the key takeaways from the event. Joining us are Nate Brandt, Client Services Manager at Digible, and Aly Koehler, Sr. Account Manager at Digible, along with David Staley and Reid Wicoff. Throughout the episode, we dive into first impressions about the event, what had changed from the previous year, key takeaways, and hot takes.

[01:35] First-time Impressions – Both Nate and Aly were at NAA for the first time. They share their thoughts about NAA.

[08:27] Takeaways – We talk about how Digible’s brand recognition has improved compared to prior years.

[11:40] ROI – Aly and Nate talk about the return on investment and opportunities Digible gained from attending NAA.

[16:08] Economic Challenges – How the current economic conditions make it harder for startups to raise money and some ways for overcoming these challenges.

[20:42] Growth – David & Reid share their takes on the future direction of Digible in terms of growth.

[26:00] Partnerships – The new partnership opportunities at NAA this year.

[32:11] Hot Takes – Nate and Aly share their hot takes from the event.

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