E-Guide: Scaling Your Single-Family Rentals

Single-family rentals have a lot of moving parts…

enough to fill a long-form e-guide. But we get it, not everyone has that kind of time, so here are our highlights.

  • Learn the difference between Single-Family Rentals (SFR), Build-to-Rent (BTR), and Scattered Communities

  • Understand the renter journey and renter demand drivers 

  • Explore the challenges and opportunities for owners/operators in the Single-Family and Build-to-Rent sector

  • Consider the marketing opportunities and challenges, such as occupancy growth and centralized leasing and hear from experts in the industry

  •  Beat the budget blues, we’ve got you covered with the tools and guidance to get the best bang for your marketing buck

  • Download your Single-Family rental marketing mix checklist

Grab your Single-Family Rental E-Guide and Marketing Mix Checklist or contact us to learn more about how we provide support with your marketing strategy.

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