Account Strategist

Kenzie Shepperd

Kenzie is a seasoned apartment marketing strategist with 7 years of experience. Prior to Digible, Kenzie spent three years at a multifamily investment firm, Cypress Real Estate Advisors, where she managed the corporate brand and all marketing efforts for their portfolio. Now with 3+ years at Digible, Kenzie has experience in multifamily marketing on both sides of the fence!

During Digible’s annual end of the year awards, DigiAwards, she won the “Rockstar” award.

Kenzie excels in managing client relationships, digital strategy, and budgets for multifamily assets. Her expertise lies in driving occupancy rates with data-driven budget recommendations for strategic digital campaigns. She is also a “Rockstar” at fostering collaborative relationships with clients, and encouraging thought leadership to make impactful contributions to the industry.

Kenzie earned a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and minor in Business Administration from Texas State University.

When she’s not strategizing for multifamily assets, you’ll find Kenzie on the yoga mat, skiing the slopes of Colorado, cooking a new recipe, or dancing at live music shows. She’s also a travel enthusiast, always seeking out a new tropical destinations to explore.

Kenzie Sheppard Digible headshot

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