EP66: PERQ’s Automated Leasing Assistant – Scott Hill, Co-Founder of PERQ

We’re back with another episode of the Digible Dudes podcast. This week on the podcast, we have Scott Hill, executive chairman and co-founder of PERQ, an engagement technology company that provides solutions that connect consumers to brands. Throughout the episode, we talk about how PERQ came into life, what they offer in their solutions for the multifamily industry, how AIs are integrated into the sales process, how the new technologies in the future may change where the industry is headed, and many more.

Scott started his career journey in an entirely different industry. Diving into the conversation, Scott shares stories about his early years in the newspaper industry, how he got into the automotive industry, and the way he got into creating solutions for multifamily marketing by realizing that the automotive and real estate industries have some common aspects. At PERQ, Scott and his team take a different approach to lead generation and conversions. He shares with us what they offer and how they approach integrating automated solutions for lead generation without overworking employees.

In this episode, we talk a lot about artificial intelligence based marketing solutions and how they can improve our marketing efforts. Diving into the AI arena, Scott shares how natural language processing is used to improve the capabilities of the solutions they offer at PERQ. Scott also talks about how these technologies may evolve in the future, the possibility of integrating AI-based tools to assist more roles related to real estate marketing, and ways to accelerate the learning & training process of AI-based tools.

In the next section, Scott shares his take on setting reasonable expectations around using automated tools, KPIs that can be used to measure the performance of the tools. Wrapping up the conversation, David & Scott discuss some of the basic things marketers have to think about when building effective websites apart from integrating fancy new tools and how to make websites that convert better with AI integrations.

[14:50] Scott’s Story – Scott talks about the early years of his career in the newspaper industry, his business journey, and how he got into his current line of work.

[19:50] Digital vs. Print – Scott shares his thoughts on the tracking capabilities and tactics of digital marketing compared to printed material.

[25:00] From Automotive to Real Estate – How Scott’s focus shifted from one industry to another, how the offerings have changed over the last three years and what Scott has learned from the experience.

[30:10] The Customer Journey – The process of getting started with PERQ’s automated leasing assistant and how it improves your marketing efforts.

[40:12] Lead Generation & Conversion – Scott talks about the philosophy they follow at PERQ for lead generation and conversions and how to integrate automated processes for lead generation without overwhelming your team.

[45:00] AI vs. Guided Conversations – Scott shares his take on how AIs can help with the sales process, how PERQ’s AIs use natural language processing to improve their features.

[50:05] Future Developments – What Scott foresees for the industry in the next decade and what marketers can do to be a step ahead of their competitors.

[57:04] AI in Other Roles – Scott talks about the possibility of AI being integrated into more roles related to real estate marketing.

[1:06:19] Data Attribution – How data analysis and attribution can improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and how the technologies in the future may affect the industry in this aspect.

[1:13:34] Accelerating NLP – Scott shares some tactics that can be used to accelerate the process of training AI assistants.

[1:20:25] Expectations & KPIs – How to set reasonable expectations around integrating automated assistants and the KPIs to measure the performance.

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