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EP77: Why Digible is Moving to a 4 Day Work Week

At Digible, we always try to innovate and create a work culture in which the team can thrive and develop their careers, and lately, we have been receiving recognition for our efforts. Last month, the Denver Post named Digible as the #1 Top Workplace of 2021 in Colorado for Small Businesses. Among many other innovative steps we’re taking to improve the work culture at Digible, starting from July, Digible will be moving into a 4-day workweek. In today’s episode, David, Reid, and Nicole, the three founders, are talking about why Digible is moving to a 4-day workweek and how it’s going to improve the performance and culture at Digible.

It was way back, even before Digible was started when Reid had the idea of a 4-day workweek in his mind. Reid starts the conversation, talking about how he heard about the concept and some of the early research done by prominent tech companies on how a 4-day workweek may improve the performance of an organization. Since we’re so much used to the traditional 5-day workweek, taking an extra day may feel somewhat strange. Nicole talks about how it felt when it was first introduced at Digible and how the process of moving into the new workweek will start in the next month.

Moving into the performance and productivity aspect, Reid dives deep into why a 4-day workweek will improve the productivity of a team and how the happiness and state of mind of employees affect the performance of the whole team. Moving into a 4-day workweek has a huge impact on the relationships and communications with clients. Nicole shares her thoughts on how the clients responded to the announcement and some of the measures Digible is going to take in order to ensure that operations continue to run smoothly, despite the change in the work schedule. Wrapping up the episode, we talk about some of the responses we’ve been receiving about the work culture at Digible and some tips and tricks on preparing for a 4- day workweek.

[01:08] The Origin Story – Reid starts the conversation with the story of how the idea was in his mind even before starting Digible and some of the research that’s been carried out by some of the tech giants on the concept of a 4-day workweek.

[04:45] Embracing the 4-day Work Week – We talk about the plans for the first 4-day workweek at Digible and how this new concept felt like when it was first introduced.

[07:00] Why 4-day Work Week? – Reid dives deep into the results of some of the studies that suggest that a 4-day work week can be more productive compared to a traditional workweek.

[11:40] Productivity – How the 4-day workweek will improve the efficiency and productivity of operations at Digible.

[17:13] Happiness and Work – Reid explains why the performance of a team increases when the team is happy and comfortable.

[22:52] The Announcement – Reid announced the news that Digible is going for a 4-day workweek with an April fools prank. He reflects back on the announcement and how the team responded.

[26:39] Working with Clients – Nicole shares her thoughts on how the clients were responding to this change.

[30:00] Recruitment – We talk about how the recruitment process is going to be adjusted to match the 4-day work week and some of the positive responses Digible has been receiving about its work culture and hiring practices.

[36:25] Preparations – How to prepare for a 4-day workweek in a way that keeps business operations smoothly.

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